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Grades 1-2

2 StB 0220 Fr Don with 1st communion students 2 1 ccexpressThe primary focus in grades 1 and 2 is the development of a strong foundation in reading, writing, and math.

Children receive daily, small group reading instruction and regular daily practice in handwriting; first in print, and later, cursive. Students excitedly begin writing their first stories! Important math concepts are learning to add and subtract with regrouping, and learning to count money. Classrooms are equipped with 1:1 Chromebooks to help foster responsible use of technology and utilize resources to differentiate instruction for all learners.

Your child’s knowledge of the world will expand through experiences in science and social studies. Special activities include a butterfly migration project and a field trip to the National Zoo.

In addition to core subjects, student learning is enriched through participation in Spanish, technology, library, PE, music, and art classes.

Second grade is a pivotal year in faith formation of our students, as they prepare their hearts and souls for reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist.



1st StB 0810 Student cutting 1 ccexpress  2A Jumping Raisin Experiment ccexpress  2nd Grade ccexpress

Last modified on Friday, 28 January 2022 10:48